Florida law requires every driver to carry what is called “PIP” coverage. PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection, and it is insurance that covers 80% of your medical bills and 60% of your wage loss, for a combined limit of at least $10,000. So if you are hurt in a car crash, you are eligible for at least some medical care and wage loss reimbursement, regardless of whether you caused the crash or not. In order to use that insurance though, there are some things you must do.

In order to be eligible for the full $10,000, you must seek medical treatment with 14 days of the crash. This is known as the “14-Day Rule.” Thus it is very important that if you need it, you seek medical attention from a medical doctor, osteopathic physician, dentist, physician assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner as soon as possible.  One of these professionals will help determine whether or not your injuries qualify as an “emergency medical condition,” which will in turn impact how much of that initial $10,000 you are eligible to receive.

If you have any questions about your PIP insurance, or about this 14-Day Rule, please feel free to call or email us, we will be happy to help you for free.