Car crashes are an everyday occurrence, but when they happen to you or a loved one they can be anything but ordinary. And when there is a dispute as to who is at fault, or who should be responsible for the damages, they can be anything but simple. Warren and Andy make this complicated process easy for their clients. Warren has worked on vehicular accident cases for over 30 years, including prosecuting DUI-manslaughter cases while an Assistant State Attorney.

If you are involved in an automobile crash, be it in a car or bus, on a motorcycle or even while walking across the street, you will need to prove two basic things. One, that you were not at fault, that you did not cause the crash. And two, that whatever injuries you sustained were caused by this crash.

Again, this sounds simple enough, but there are pitfalls and obstacles in your way, and unless you overcome these, you may not be reimbursed for your medical bills, or lost wages, or any other money you have to spend out of pocket while you recover. We can help.

Our firm will contact all the parties involved in the crash, as well as their insurance companies, and process all the paperwork for you in order to get your claim filed with the appropriate insurance. We will investigate the crash, take photos and videos, interview witnesses, and preserve the evidence necessary to prove your case at trial.  Our staff includes a nurse who can comb through your medical records and help tell the story of your injuries. And our attorneys know how to put this all together in a straightforward and convincing way so that justice may prevail.

If you or a loved one are involved in a vehicular crash please do not delay, the sooner you act the better. Please call or email us and we can get started on your case right away. Please also take a look at our “Helpful Information” page for what you can do right now to help preserve your evidence.

Anderson & November PLLC

2029 North Third Street
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Phone: (904) 247-1972

Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorneys

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